sabato 13 novembre 2010

Is Selena Gomez Team Edward or Team Jacob?Celebuzz

There comes a time in the life of any Twi-hard when he or she must make an important decision: Team Edward or Team Jacob? Incredibly well-mannered, auburn-eyed immortal vampire or hot-blooded, lovably furry werewolf with incredible abs? Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner?
Celebuzz's own Teen Queen Selena Gomez has declared her Twilight allegiance, telling Britain's Top of the Pops (via OceanUp) this week that she is... drumroll please... Team Edward! But to clarify, it is R-Patz's gentlemanly character, not R-Patz himself, that makes Selena blush.
"When I watched the first Twilight film, I definitely liked Edward. Do I think Robert Pattinson is...

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