venerdì 22 ottobre 2010

Alec Baldwin Gross & Fat To Pick Up Chicks?

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Alec Baldwin isn't the suave young actor he may have once been.

The 52-year-old actor recently tried to hit on a tall, thin 20something-year-old blonde at a recent gala in New York - apparently the young woman wasn't interested in his bad manners and bloated belly!

?He told her, ?You?re very beautiful. Want to go for a drink sometime?? But she declined.?

The woman in question was later overhead telling pals,

?He was so gross. I didn?t find him remotely appealing. First of all, he?s too old. Secondly, he needs to lose weight and thirdly, he should be talking with his mouth full of food!?

I still think the older actor is good looking.� His manners and personality on the other hand, isn't my cup of tea. �

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